Home & Kitchen Ideas

Is a Professional Poker Player a Gambler?

Professional poker players make a living playing poker professionally, often competing in tournaments or cash games. Their profession requires extensive research, networking with people in the industry, regular practice sessions to hone your strategy, and finding ways to beat odds…

Can Mormons Drink Herbal Tea?

As with anything, there are always exceptions to the Word of Wisdom. Some examples may include herbal tea, non-caffeinated soft drinks, iced tea and certain herbal supplements; it’s important for Mormons to follow the guidance of their leaders and use…

What is Health Care Proxy?

Health care proxies are legal documents that allow you to designate someone as your medical decision maker if you become incapacitated. They’re one of several advance directives (such as living wills) designed to ensure that medical professionals honor your wishes…

MTF Forex Robot Review

Forex robots are automated trading systems designed to make trading accounts more straightforward, freeing traders to trade them without manually overseeing each individual trade. This enables traders to avoid costly errors that might otherwise occur such as impulse trades, letting…